
Julefrokost med vennerne

I saw good old friends to christmas lunch - classic Danish julefrokost with old good friends this Saturday. It was such a great night with delicious food, beers, old anecdotes, silly hats and drinking games. They are always so good company. This is what I wore.


It's a shorts day left

Been lazy all day so now it's time to go to school and get some work done. 
Wearing old old jeans cut to shorts and a shirt with zippers.


All my shoes

I guess you have alot of shoes when they can fill up half your room. Trying to force myself to get rid of at least some of them almost hurts even though it's the ones I don't really wear anyway. 


The military jacket

For my exam this summer I wrote about the military jacket and what it represents. After the death of Michael Jackson this summer, the military jacket has been everywhere, but the trend didn't start with Michael Jackson. He was inspired by another great musician; Jimi Hendrix. During the Vietnam War many artists expressed their protest against the war through songs and fashion statements. 

At Woodstock in 1969 Jimi Hendrix played his version of The Star-Spangled Banner and you would often see him wearing a military jacket he had purchased in the vintage boutique I Was Lord Kitchener’s Valet in London. A jacket that soon became famous. Among other artists he created a trend, making a fashion statement, using military clothes as a protest - an ironic comment about war and changing what the military jacket originally represents.

Inspired by this I made a jacket with military references using untraditional colors to create a contrast to the original meaning of a military jacket.


Christmas fair '09

We just had the christmas fair at my school.
My friend Hanne Hjort took these great pics of the booth and the stuff I made. 
An overview over my booth. The closest i am to have a visiting card at the moment.
Blouse made from velvet with silver print.
Different styles of earrings. Fringes, Barbie shies and bowties.
Chain necklace made of leather. One in grey and one in black.  
Short jacket, grey with red lining.

Everything is for sale. Send me a mail if you're interested - tibbe.smith@gmail.com.