
Wedding Dress >> Christening Gown

In December I got an assignment to redesign and transform a wedding dress into a christening gown. The parents thought it was a shame to keep the dress packed away. "But you're not gonna wear it again - you don't want just anyone to wear it - you can't expect that your daughter would want to wear it at her possible future wedding". So they decided it should become the christening gown for their little daughter.
The cut is inspired by the cut of the wedding dress so its origin is recognizable.
 And the finished gown.
 This last picture is taken by my brother, photographer T. Kaare Smith.


A couple of fashion illustrations


The Jacket

Recently we had a big project in school, where we made a jacket. There was certain demands; the inspiration should come from one or more secondhand products made from wool, leather or fur. This detail should in some way be incorporated in the design of the jacket. The jacket should be made of wool, have lining and a collar or hood.
Many thougths and ideas emerged but were thrown away again. We talked about different possibilities in my class and when the conversation hit gloves I knew what to use. I already had a few pairs of vintage gloves at home that I wanted to use somehow but didn't know in wich way. I made some designs for the jacket with the gloves used in different ways and found pictures for inspiration.

After many expressions and designs with a glove on the back or the side or used as decoration on a pocket I decided to put the gloves on the shoulders. 
The shape of the jacket, with the collar and the diagonal zipper, is inspired from the classic biker jacket. But it still has a sharp look like a military jacket wich is emphasized by the gloves, though the dangling fingers creates a contrast to this sharp look. 
I played with the look of the sleeves wich is divided into two parts and with another colored fabric I put in a box pleat. The color of this box pleat matches the lining wich is black with little blue/green squares. To match the sharp look I made jetted pockets and the lining peep from the opening.
With the design of jacket I hope to challenges the general conception of clothin and things original purpose.